(SER-GA-121) Group III: Central Georgia
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Aerospace Education

Civil Air Patrol’s awarding-winning aerospace education program promotes aerospace, aviation and STEM-related careers with engaging, standards-based, hands-on curriculum and activities. It shapes the experiences and aspirations of youth both in and outside of CAP’s cadet program.

— Educates adult and cadet members and the community on the importance of aerospace.
— Develops, publishes and distributes national academic standards-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) aerospace education curricula for kindergarten through college classrooms, reaching about 300,000 K-12 students nationwide.
— Generates interest in STEM careers through aviation, space and technology focused activities and CAP “STEM Kits” associated with astronomy, flight simulations, model and remote-control aircraft, robotics, rocketry, weather, hydraulic engineering, computer programming, coding, circuitry and mathematics.
— Provides educators with free educational programs, products and services, including orientation flights.
— Offers grant and college credit opportunities for adult and teacher members.
— Provides aerospace support for educational conferences and workshops nationwide.

Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Page

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